Documentation v1.0.4

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Rapidly build modern web apps with Good

The most advanced Bootstrap 5 foundation with a solid design system,
extensive utility classes and custom made in-house components.

Quick Installation

Install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM and use our custom made Gulp or Webapck build tools to get your project up and running literally in a minutes.
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Layout Builder

Just build your layout, preview it in real time and export the HTML template with it's includable partials for your server side integration.
Preview and export

Extended Utility Classes

Build whatever you want without a single line of CSS/SASS code by just using our low-level utility classes and base components.
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40+ In-house Components

Our exclusive components such as KTMenu, KTStepper, KTPasswordMeter are made to empower your next project with our novel UI/UX vision.
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3rd Party Plugins

All popular 3rd-party plugins are deeply customized in order to perfectly meet our design system requirements and blend with your unique in-house components.
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SVG & Font Icons

Fulfill your icon needs with over 5000 available icons from in-house designed Duotune and open source Bootstrap Icons, Font Awesome, and Line Awesome sets.
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Server Side Integration

Guides prepared by our core development team to reveal the best practices utilizing Good in your favorite server side languages and frameworks.
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Use our in-house designed vector illustrations to convey a light mood to your users and make them feel at ease while using your sites and apps.
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Learn & Get Inspired

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Join our developers community to find answer to your question and help others. FAQs
Get Support
From guides and how-tos, to live demos and code examples to get started right away.
Plugins & Components
Check out our 300+ in-house components and customized 3rd-party plugins.
Layout Builder
Build your layout, preview it and export the HTML for server side integration.
What's New
Latest features and improvements added with our users feedback in mind.
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